It’s just two weeks to go until the next seminar of the Parliamentarians Against Human Trafficking (PAHT) project – a seminar themed on the National Referral Mechanism, due to be held in the Polish Parliament, the Sejm.
The seminar will provide participants with the opportunity to explore how the National Referral Mechanism functions. The morning session will feature speeches on how the NRM contributes to better protection and assistance to victims of trafficking, before examining the role that MPs can play in ensuring the effective functioning of the NRM in their countries. After lunch, participants will look at how NGOs and law
enforcement representatives can work together in referrals of victims of trafficking.
The seminar will also provide parliamentarians with the opportunity to update each other on progress in establishing groups committed to fighting human trafficking in their own countries.
Already confirmed are parliamentary participants from Poland, the UK, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal and Romania.
A draft programme is available here